My type of wake up call.

Adi Levanon
4 min readNov 30, 2017

We are the “I want to feel good” generation. The generation that craves Likes, instagram hearts, purpose, tinder swiping, Xanax and anti-depressants. Anything to feel satisfaction and “instant gratification”. We have so much more possibilities and options than our parents did, and we struggle to feel noticed, happy, successful and also mindful all at once. Most of us at least.

I’m a super active Instagram user. I admit. I have erased my Facebook app and Snapchat app though, since I felt I was wasting my life focusing on notifications and dog filters. Not judging anyone who still uses these apps as I really do enjoy being a user, I just realized I need more time for more productive things. To create more in my life with the “extra” time I have.

As someone who is also searching for the best feelings, the happiest of moments, a healthy “high” in all the madness that sometimes is just a part of life, I have dabbled with meditation, networking events, lectures, sports and more. But one thing that has been a huge bonus to my life, to my month, to my day, is this crazy thing called Daybreaker. No I don’t work for them and I’m not getting anything to promote them. I’m simply in love with how it makes me feel and I think everyone should try it at least once.

There is something truly magical and crazy about the idea of having a party, yes an alcohol-free dance party, at 7am. You heard me right. It’s 6am yoga and then party starts at 7am. Some of you who aren’t familiar with Daybreaker most likely think I’m nuts — “7am what?! Dancing? Party? I’ll stick to my soulcycle or running on the treadmill.” Honestly, I get that completely.

The difference, in my opinion, is that Daybreaker is more than just a workout, as it has built a community. A group of people who choose to come together once a month or so, to start their day with energy, music, dance and connectivity. For about 1–2 hours, strangers come together for one joint purpose — to let go. I can’t describe it any other way. Everyone around just let’s go!

Those who know me are probably think ing— OK sure Adi, you love dancing and have more energy than the Energizer Bunny, so of course you’re all over this. Well yes, that is all true. But I’d counter that by saying that I have seen men in suits on their way to their wall street jobs, woman in their 50’s, people who don’t like to dance and people who do nothing but dance for a living, all coming together to take part in these morning dance parties. Each one of these different individuals had something in common — a massive smile. You don’t even have to dance. Some people just look around and enjoy the music, energy, whatever they find amusing. The energy is electrifying and so so positive.

Just yesterday I came back from another amazing Daybreaker party and I told my friend and Daybreaker dancing partner that there was a moment where we were dancing and I just felt as if I was high. Like I had a rush of adrenaline and warmth all over. It’s hard to put in words but it felt amazing! A few moments of no inhibitions and real true bliss.

Beyond the whole dancing and music aspect, since this is a community, there is also a beautiful opportunity to meet new people. I have seen the same people go again and again, which allows a comfortable ground for conversation, if you chose to. I went to one Daybreaker party alone and a woman approached me and asked if we could dance together. It made my day! Who likes to dance alone anyways?

Basically what I’m trying to say is — in a connected and digital world, you can chose to stay in the apps for a feeling of satisfaction. You can go run outside or do soulcycle and feel pumped, energized and healthy. You can join a meditation group or yoga retreat. All are good options! But when you have an opportunity to combine music, dance, movement, an open and safe environment with no judgment or rules , all at the start of your day before the chaos brings and work commences— I say why not try that? It’s one of the best activities I have added to my life. By far. If it doesn’t put a smile on your face, than you can call me Betty.

For all those that asked me when the next Daybreaker takes place, and many of you have asked, the next one is on the 13th! They say it’s their 4th year anniversary so you can be sure it’ll be amazing….just saying.



Adi Levanon

Early stage investor at Flint Capital. Obsessed about innovation, idea makers and Do-ers. Entrepreneur at heart.